Lotterywest grant to help develop climate toolkit

09 March 2023

A Lotterywest grant of more than a quarter of a million dollars has been awarded to Edith Cowan University to develop a climate toolkit for community service groups providing support to vulnerable Western Australians.

  • $251,370 Lotterywest grant has been presented to Edith Cowan University
  • Funds to help develop an online climate toolkit for community service groups
  • Will enhance support for vulnerable Western Australians affected by climate change

The Climate Justice Toolkit will include online resources and practical information to help frontline organisations enhance their operations and programs in response to a changing climate.


The work will help Western Australians experiencing social justice issues like homelessness, domestic violence or loss of income during ongoing and extreme weather events such as droughts, floods or bushfires.


Edith Cowan University has collaborated with a range of WA community service organisations including co-funders WA Council of Social Service, Rise, Jesuit Social Services, Climate Justice Union, Anglicare and MercyCare. 


The funding of $251,370 will further develop the toolkit into a comprehensive resource.


The State Government has approved 18 Lotterywest grants to Edith Cowan University since 1994, totalling $636,036.


Comments attributed to Climate Action Minister Reece Whitby:


"Edith Cowan University is a worthy recipient. This toolkit will help frontline community groups adapt their daily operations and strategic programs to mitigate climate change and enhance social justice.


"The toolkit will play an important role in helping community organisations respond to the impacts of climate change, through online resources and practical support.


"Our Government is committed to taking decisive climate action. We're taking significant steps to reduce emissions, mitigate the impacts of climate change and build greater environmental and community resilience."


Minister's office - 6552 6300